Soak up the Son

Tuesday, November 28, 2006


Ok So we finally made the move. Mom and I have moved back to Florida. This was a big step for us but after alot of prayer we finaly made the decision and I am glad we did. We have so enjoyed being here with family. The children are growing up so fast and we were missing it. And the congragation here is amazing like always. Actually, the Church of God in general is amazing, no matter what state you're in the saints are the same everywhere and you're always with family. I miss my Tennessee Family very much and send my love to them. Being here brings back so many memories. I drive around and remember things that I did as a young girl and it's so neat. It is definatly my home. I missed it more than I realized. Well anyways I just wanted to update people on all the things that are happening in my life. Well now that I am here I wanted to share it with all of you. Keep us in your prayers because we still haven't found jobs and everything else that comes with relocating. God bless you all!!!


I wanted to let everyone know that Bryan, my brother inlaw, has gotten saved. Praise the Lord!!! It is pretty awesome. He is doing so good and we are so happy. Keep praying for him as he grows in the things of the Lord. And keep praying for the rest of my unsaved family. God is doing wonderful things. He is a faithful God!!

posted by Soak up the Son at 12:13 PM


What wonderful news to hear on this Monday morning! Jesus NEVER fails! Blessings.

Congrats on the move too! Can't imagine living away from my family!

6:15 AM  

That's great news! He's still working!!!

8:19 PM  

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